Monthly Club News
December 2024: As
always once again work continues on our Norgrove layout.
We were able reveal that the new layout we have acquired
from the late Richard Periam is his
TMD layout. He had been building this layout with
the help of a number of Club Members. It was his wish
the Club had the layout and we finished it so it could
November 2024: Work
is continuing to progress on a new additional slimed
down fiddle yard that can be used behind a number of our
the layouts. As always work continues on our Norgrove
layout. Hopefully in the near future we can announce the
details of a new club layout which we are about to
acquire in a part finished state.
October 2024 : We
started the month by running the first 9mm gauge stock
on our new test track. Starting with some 009 stock
followed by some N scale locomotives. Work is also
progressing on a new additional slimed down fiddle yard
that can be used behind the layouts without having to set
up main 16 road fiddle yard. We had a great weekend
exhibiting our Dagnell End layout at the the new Warley
and Statfold Barn event over the weekend of 12th and
13th October. As usual the layout was well received by
the visitors.
September 2024: This
September would be the first time for 20 years that
Redditch Model Railway Club would have not staged a
model railway exhibition now the permanent date for the
events has moved to the first full weekend of March each
year. We started the month with the sad news on Friday
6th September with the death of Richard Periam. Richard
was a long term supporter and former member of the Club
and will be missed by many Club Members. On Sunday 15th
September we staged our Summer Club get together where
club members had the opportunity to run a number of our
layouts and enjoy a buffet lunch. A further test track
circuit of 9mm gauge track suitable for N scale and 009
narrow gauge trains has been added to the club test
We had a great weekend over the
28th and 29th September at the Stafford show with our
club display stand. We managed to give out many leaflets
for our 2025 show to the event visitors.
August 2024: We
begin the month preparing our Smallwood layout for its
outing latter in the month and work continues on the
buildings for our Norgrove layout. We had a greet
weekend over the 10th and 11th August exhibiting our
Smallwood layout at the Battlefield Railway in
Leicestershire. We ended the month taking the Auch Ae
layout to the Avonvale MES miniature railway in the
grounds of Hillers Farm Shop for their bank holiday
event where the layout was well received. We also ended
the month with the Club's Annual General Meeting that
took took place Tuesday 27th August and once again
provided few surprises and the Committee where
re-elected without change for a further twelve months.
July 2024 : This
month is significant as this website is 25 years old.
Launched in 1999 initially hosted as a freeserve site
it became a .com in 2002 when hosting as transferred to
123reg. Work has continued on the rewiring of our
Arrowmouth layout which has reached the testing stage.
Work also continues on making building for our Norgrove
June 2024: Saturday
1st June 2024 marked the 57th anniversary of the
formation of the Redditch Model Railway Club. On the
evening of Thursday 1st June 1967 a meeting was held at
the White Hart Public House in Headless Cross in
Redditch which resulted in the Redditch Model Railway
Club being formed. We started the month on the 1st by
taking our Smallwood layout to the Ludlow Model Railway
Exhibition. As usual the layout was well received by the
visitors. The Club also received a bequest of a number
of a number of model railway items from a local
supporter. This included a Mamod Traction Engine which
gave us fun getting it to work.
May 2024: We start
this month with The exhibition of our Temple Bridge
layout at the Severn Valley Railway model railway event
over the weekend of the 4th & 5th May 2025. Again
this month we continued work on the rewiring of our
Arrowmouth layout and the scenery and construction of
building for our new Norgrove layout.
April 2024 : We
start this month with continued work on the rewiring of
our Arrowmouth layout and the continued work on scenery
and construction of building for our new Norgrove
layout. We ended the month by taking our Dagnell End
layout to the new Key Model World Event at the NEC over
the weekend of the 27th and 28th April. The layout was
well received by the visitors.
March 2024 :
We started the month by staging the 51st
Redditch Model Railway Exhibition over the weekend of
the 2nd and 3rd March. Taking the brave decision to move the show from
September to March was vindicated in terms of the
increase in visitor numbers when compared with our shows in recent years. The exhibition also proved to be
successful for our trade support as well. We will
definitely be back on the 1st and 2nd March next year.
Back on club nights we are continuing to make building
for our new Norgrove layout and are starting the
rewiring of our Arrowmouth layout to make the operation
of it more flexible.
February 2024 :
We started the month with the continued
construction of a number of buildings for the Norgrove
layout. These include a block of flats, a cinema,
a memorial hall, a supermarket and a elevated
bridge for the dual carriageway road at the one end of
the layout. This month we also spent
preparing for our 2024 Show on the 2nd & 3rd March with
our layouts that were to be on show being tested and items being catalogued for our
club sales second hand stand.
January 2024: We
started the new year on the 1st January with a club
running session of the Temple Bridge layout. Back at club
nights we have
continued making the buildings for our Norgrove
layout. Towards the end of the month we started to make
some alterations to the track alignment on our generic
fiddle yard ready for its outing to the Model World
event in April with our Dagnell End layout. The changes
should improve the running of the fiddle yard and turn
the layouts that are attached to it.