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Norgrove Baseboard Construction Photographs 

During August and September 2020 we took the opportunity to construct some full sized mock up boards for the layout. These utilized some otherwise scrap pieces of MDF. This allowed the board configurations to be finalized before we committed to making the permanent boards out of plywood. The track layout has also been drawn on and the point locations have been marked using PECO point templates. This has also allowed siding lengths to be checked for the sizes of proposed trains.  
Looking towards the left hand corner of the layout. The cylinders are to represent the oil terminal tanks The red plywood represents the dual carriageway road that cuts across this end of the layout 
Looking down the full length of the layout which will be 18ft in length Looking down the layout in the other direction with the parcels depot in the foreground
Between September and December 2020 - We had built the permanent baseboard frames and legs.
The first baseboard frame is made and is soon joined by the first corner board
This shows the other corner board under construction Another view of the corner board
(for more pictures on Norgrove construction)

All Pictures are the copyright of Redditch Model Railway Club